Maya Skinning Tool (v5)
Tools & Techart Topics
Due to problems with buildmachines for OSX and Linux, the plugins for these machines have not been updated properly. Thats why its been decided that the sourcecode for the plugins are made available as well The full setup can be found here: github repo
if someone can generate the plugins for OSX or Linux and send them over, it will be added to the release version.
After about 8 months of refactoring the new skinningtools have been released. Thanks to the work done by:
Robert Joosten Mio Zwickl Rodolphe Vaillant Trevor van Hoof Jan Pijpers
The new tool is faster and the code is a lot cleaner. Also a lot of new features are added, while older tools have been upgraded with new functionalities and a beter layout.
documentation comes in the form of pdf files, short gif images in the tooltips and a full Api overview
The current setup allows for easier updating and fixing for the toolset, and if time allows possibly expanding to other Dcc toolsets then Maya.

This is a small project I picked up during a vacation in 2011. I got the idea to create this tool from Andrea Arghinenti, who had snippets of code to enhance his skinning.
It started out as just a small menu of about 6 buttons to manage small snippets of code, much used Maya windows and some weight sliders:
This expanded over time by adding new features whenever a new challenge came up and the code base kept growing. In the end most of the code that handled large chunks of data had to be refactored using a c++ plugin created together with Trevor van Hoof
To copy over weights between meshes that didn't use the same structure, I worked together with Jan Pijpers. He explained kdTrees to me and helped with a system to separately cluster vertex selection groups.
Also the sliders in the weight slider column got changed to better readable component created by Daniele Niero
The tool is still evolving and used by many professional productions and triple-A industries. It's also used in the skinning part of my CGMA course.
Currently the tool is supported on Windows and Mac OSX.