
Module Contents



the marking menu filter


marking menu popup window


simple widget to install the eventfilter on to test the markingmenu



convenience function to display and build the testing application

class SkinningTools.UI.markingMenu.MarkingMenuFilter(name='MarkingMenu', isDebug=False, parent=None)

the marking menu filter this eventfilter will grab mouse inputs and when the conditions are met it will spawn a popup window at the mouse location

eventFilter(self, obj, event)

the event filter here we check if all conditions necessary for the widget to spawn are met

static singleton()

singleton method making sure that this object can only exist once and cannot be instantiated more then once

class SkinningTools.UI.markingMenu.radialMenu(parent=None, flags=Qt.FramelessWindowHint)

marking menu popup window this window will spawn without frame or background we draw everything in this window with QGraphicsScene items the window should remove itself when the mouse button is released returning info on the object that is under the mouse


make a connection with the main widget to override certain values in the setup

__geoSize = 800
__radius = 80
_availableSpaces = 8
__MMButton(self, inText, position, inValue=None, inFunction=None, operation=1)

single marking menu button

  • inText (string) – the text to display

  • position (QPos) – position on the circle

  • inValue (float) – the value it will represent

  • inFunction (<function>) – the function to run once triggered

  • operation (int) – the operation on how to treat the weight

Note operation

{ 0:removes the values, 1:sets the values, 2: adds the values}


the widget with all functionality

Return type


__MMCheck(self, inText, position, inValue=True, inFunction=None)

single marking menu checkbox

  • inText (string) – the text to display

  • position (QPos) – position on the circle

  • inValue (float) – the value it will represent

  • inFunction (<function>) – the function to run once triggered


the widget with all functionality

Return type



build the ui, the main ui is a circle on which we can spawn the necessary buttons

__funcPressed(self, _, value, operation=0)

function that will run when a button is clicked

  • value (float) – the value that will be set on the selection

  • operation (int) – the operation on how to treat the weight

Note operation

{ 0:removes the values, 1:sets the values, 2: adds the values}


build up the marking menu based on given bone and all elements necessary

_changeVal(self, item, value, operation=0)
_setCheckState(self, item, *_)

function that will run once the checkbox state has changed in this case it will change soft selection settings


item (QCheckbox) – the checkbox

_setPen(self, color, width, style)

override function to change the pen style of the widget

  • color (QColor) – the color to be used in drawing

  • width (int) – widht of the pen stroke

  • style (Qt.penStyle) – style of the stroke (single line/ dash pattern)

_setValue(self, value)

return the activated item that is in collision with the mouse


widget under mouse

Return type


static rotateVec(origin, point, angle)

angular math to get the correct positions on a circle based on center, length and angle

  • origin (QPos) – center of the circle

  • point (QPos) – top point of the circle (12 o`clock)

  • angle (QPos) – the angle at wich to rotate the point clockwise


position on the circle at the given angle

Return type


setName(self, inName)

show the current setup at the position on screen where the mouse is located, the center of the circle is positioned directly on the mouse

updateLine(self, pos)

a line from the center of the circle to the position of the mouse this to display which element will be chosen on mouse release the collision of the line with any of the buttons will show an outline on the object to highlite the selection


pos (QPos) – position of the mouse

class SkinningTools.UI.markingMenu.testWidget(parent=None)

simple widget to install the eventfilter on to test the markingmenu this will not use the dcc application but a seperate window, where debug is forced so it will always draw the popup window


convenience function to display and build the testing application