:mod:`SkinningTools.UI.hoverIconButton` ======================================= .. py:module:: SkinningTools.UI.hoverIconButton Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: SkinningTools.UI.hoverIconButton.HoverIconButton .. py:class:: HoverIconButton(icon=QIcon(), hoverIcon=QIcon(), checked=None, orientation=0, parent=None) hover icon, custom tool button that can change if the mouse hovers over it or once clicked .. method:: _checkState(self) the state used when the icon is checked it will replace the current icon with the one used when its checked or not. .. method:: enterEvent(self, event) the mouse hover enter event :param event: the given event :type event: QEvent .. method:: leaveEvent(self, event) the mouse hover leave event :param event: the given event :type event: QEvent .. method:: setCustomIcon(self, pixmap, hover, checked=None, orientation=0) the function that sets the correct icons to the tool can be used to override the toolbutton with new icons :param pixmap: default icon :type pixmap: QIcon :param hover: icon used for when the mouse hovers over the button :type hover: QIcon :param checked: icon used for when the object is checked :type checked: QIcon :param orientation: orientation in degrees clockwise for the images on the control :type orientation: int .. method:: setDisabledPixmap(self, pixmap) the icon used for when the object is disabled :param pixmap: path to icon :type pixmap: string/QPixmap